Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Demi Lovato Rare Pictures.

Do you like finding really rare pictures of Demi, Selena, Miley, and the Jonasbrothers?
Well go to
They have over 500 Demi rares and tons of Miley, Selena and Jonas. :]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Demi's new twitter desgin

Demi changed her Twitter. Love it. :]

Jemi Pictures

Just thought I'd show some pictures of Jemi. Aren't they just the best couple? :]


Follow my twitter:
I am on Every dayy.

Miley Cyrus has a TATTOO

So I see Miley has a tattoo. I really like it.
Everyone that thinks she is too young for one can suck it, cause I think it's cool.
She is old enough to want a tattoo, at least it's not anything innapropeate. It's for Vanessa.
IT'S FOR A GOOD CAUSE!!!!!! LMFAO. jk. But seriously there is nothing wrong with it at all.
So you peope should mind your own buisness and stop trying to ruin other peoples lives by saying
it's slutty or she isn't a good role model.

Camp Rock 2

Aren't you just dying to see Camp Rock 2??? Can't wait for that kiss between Jemi! haha.
I'm a major Jemi fan :D:D:D So I'm so stoked for it to come out. It's been like 2 months since they have shot it in Toronto. I'm so excited! haa.


I don't know why someone would want to waste their time to make a video on why they hate Demi Lovato. This goes for everyone, Demi, Miley, Selena, Jonas, ect. We know you don't like a them, but that does not mean you have to tell the whole world. People don't even give good reason to hate a celebrity. "She is ugly" "she is stupid" and worst of all, Calling her "fat" She is NO WHERE near fat. Those are not reasons at all. When people say that Demi can't sing it gets me mad because she can sing, and they know it. [Everyone that knows me, knows I love demi.] Besides you can't hate someone you have never met. You don't even know the person.
So please, stop hating on celebs.
Here are some Demi support video. I made it.